We understand that managing pain and symptoms is a critical part of caring for patients with life-limiting diseases. Our focus is on alleviating pain and discomfort associated with chronic illness, helping our patients to live as comfortably as possible during this stage.
Our approach to pain and symptom management is both compassionate and medically informed. We work closely with each patient’s attending physician to develop a personalized management plan that may include:
- Utilizing various pain medications, we aim to provide relief tailored to each patient’s specific needs and condition.
- Alongside medications, we employ a range of pain relief techniques. These methods are chosen based on their effectiveness for the individual’s particular symptoms and overall health.
In line with the recommendations of the American Hospice Foundation, we recognize that opiates can be an essential component in managing pain for terminally ill patients. Our team ensures that the use of such medications is appropriate, safe, and effective, always considering the individual conditions and preferences of our patients.
Contact Affectionate Hospice Care today for compassionate, personalized care that feels like family.